Community Building

The wisdom, strength and power needed to create healthy communities lies within community itself and the people who live there.  It lies within the residents in the form of their individual gifts, strengths and talents, and their collective power to realize their goals through creative collaboration and friendship.

The creativity, long-term resilience and inherent organic beauty of such inside-out growth cannot be imported from the outside in the form of programs, services, or experts.

This is the basis for Asset-Based Community Development, a way of seeing and acting in community that can be used by citizens, community groups, leaders, and by nonprofits, government, human service agencies and businesses for greater impact.


Aprilart Studios offers workshops, consulting and presentations to enable community members, citizen groups and organizations

  • Reveal & mobilize hidden gifts, talents & assets in neighbors and neighborhoods for lasting change.
  • Reduce citizen dependency on nonprofits, government agencies, outside experts and professionals for facing local challenges and realizing goals.
  • Welcome marginalized groups & individuals into community for their gifts and talents, rather than their deficiencies; build reciprocal relationships and reduce dependence on and demand for human service programs and services
  • Partner effectively with citizens and clients as nonprofits, government and human service agencies to unlock community resources for greater impact around shared goals and challenges.






Please contact us directly at for availability and rates.